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Guy Harriman Blood Test Results – starting after 2 months sleeping with PyraLight Pad under pillow and 1 month+ GinSeng. Compare the normal range for under 20 year olds to the measured free testosterone levels. The tests show that the immediate effect was a flood dose of testosterone in report 1 (very high initial level) which gradually harmonized as my body adjusted to the greater testosterone level. Notice that the PSA level is low, with high testosterone in report 3. This indicates ideal prostate health, which I had not had for about 30 years, when frequent nighttime urination and decreased uninary volume symptoms started. The PyraLight pad alone reduced my nighttime urination frequency and improved my sleep quality. Two months later after starting the Stem Cell GinSeng I felt much higher libido, as my testosterone level rose dramatically. Initially I felt I could easily be irritated, but as my body adjusted and the level of testosterone stabilized and fell from 1410ng to 1080ng, A few months later, testosterone increased again to 1388ng. With the high testosterone readings, my PSA numbers are normal to low, which is a great combination for male health. In addition, in a period of 4 months growth factor (IGF1) increased by 5%.GUY HARRIMAN Bloodtests pdf

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